/ by Maira Khwaja


All final reports of the COPA Office will be posted on the Office’s website and open to public inspection with redactions according to the Illinois Freedom of Information Act and any other applicable law. Reports: a quarterly and annual report will be filed with the Mayor's Officer, the Superintendent, the Chairman of the City Council Committee on Public Safety and the office of the City Clerk.


All CPAC hearings (currently the Chicago Police Board hearings) must be recorded. All summary reports of CPAC shall be open to public inspection, with redactions according to Freedom of Information Act, collective bargaining agreement, law.

Reports: quarterly reports shall be filed with City Clerk and legislative reference bureau and posted online indicating: number of investigations completed and pending, number of complaints not sustained and sustained, number of complaints filed against each (anonymous) officer in each district, district breakdown, number of referred complaints, and a demographic breakdown of complainants. 


All reports of the Police Functions Office shall be open to public inspection, with redactions according to Freedom of Information Act or other applicable law. All audits, associated data sets and policy recommendations from the Police Functions Office will be released publicly at the time of completion and will be published on the website of the Inspector General's office and remain available on the
Joint Committee of Budget & Government Operations and Public Safety website for at least 10 years from the date of publication.

Reports: The following reports and reviews will be published annually: Body cameras, contact cards, citizen complaints, misconduct investigations, police board, police reports, arrest reports, traffic stops, domestic violence and sexual assault, use of force.


Requires the prompt release of video and other information in investigations including 911 calls, lab tests and police reports. Requires the Monitor to post online summary reports of completed investigations.

Reports: Requires the Monitor to post online annual reports. The annual report must include number of complaints received, number referred to internal affairs, number and type opened/completed/remain open/resolved by mediation, investigative outcomes, disciplinary recommendations, number of firearm discharges, number of non-firearm weapon discharges, demographic data, list of CPD members with more than 10 complaints filed against them within 5 years of reporting period. All investigations, audits, etc. conducted by the Monitor shall be released publicly at the time of completion and will be published on the website of the Monitor's office and remain available on the website permanently.