There were 11,013 officers which were named in 49,690 accusations during in the sample period (between January of 2008 and December of 2015. There were roughly 16,462 active officers during this period, meaning about 66.9% of active officers were accused of misconduct– though a few of these accused officers may not have actually been active during the time of their accusations. The composition of officers accused of misconduct is roughly representative of the racial composition of the police force as a whole, but the upper ranks of the CPD are underrepresented (as would be expected) and thus older, white male officers are underrepresented. Additionally, female officers are noticably underrepresented relative to male officers across all races.
Unique Officers
There were 11,013 officers which were named in 49,690 accusations during in the sample period (between January of 2008 and December of 2015. There were roughly 16,462 active officers during this period, meaning about 66.9% of active officers were accused of misconduct– though a few of these accused officers may not have actually been active during the time of their accusations. The composition of officers accused of misconduct is roughly representative of the racial composition of the police force as a whole, but the upper ranks of the CPD are underrepresented (as would be expected) and thus older, white male officers are underrepresented. Additionally, female officers are noticably underrepresented relative to male officers across all races.
Distribution of Accusations
The distribution of the number of total accusations per officer with accusations is unsurprisingly skewed. 26.23% of these officers only have 1 accusation, and about half (55.89%) have 3 or fewer accusations Similarly, 36% of all accusations belong to the 1215 officers in the top 11.03%, each having more than 10 accusations There are 66 officers with 26 total accusations or more each; these officers, just 0.6% of officers with accusations are responsible for 4% of all accusations.