We requested a more complete version of the CPD complaints dataset on January 4th, 2021, and received the attached a response from COPA on February 3rd. The response we received should include all available data fields for all complaints against CPD officers that COPA can access (regardless of whether the complaint was investigated by COPA or internally by CPD’s BIA).
On Aug 13, 2020, we submitted a request for every unit assignment, rank change, and badge numbers over time for all CPD officers. We received a full response on Oct 8, 2020. You can download the response here.
We received an update to the CPD awards dataset on June 22, 2020. We submitted the request on June 1, 2020.
On July 29, 2014, the City of Chicago released to the public a set of documents long sought by journalists and civil rights lawyers.
You can read about the backstory behind the documents here.
You can search through the documents here.