/ by Maira Khwaja


Any employee or appointed officer of the City who doesn't cooperate with a COPA investigation will be subject to discipline, including but not limited to discharge.


Any officer or employee who violates any provision shall be subject to discharge (or other discipline specified in collective bargaining agreement.) Obstruction by not complying with a subpoena fined at 1k$ - 5k$, or imprisonment 30 days - 6 months, or both. Each day is a separate offense. Any employee who violates any provision of the chapter shall be subject to discharge.


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Any officer or employee of the city that doesn't cooperate w/ Chief Administrator in any investigation or hearing shall be recommended for discharge. Retaliation can be punished by $5-10K fine for each violation and shall be immediately recommended for discharge. Obstruction by not complying with a subpoena or willfully failing to preserve evidence fined at $1-5k, or imprisonment 30 days-6 months or both. Each day is a separate offense. Any employee who violates any provision of the chapter shall be subject to discharge.