In 1997, a 13-year-old was beaten by white Bridgeport teens. A podcast challenges the racial narrative that followed. / by kaitlynn cassady

Clark’s story left an indelible mark on Lacour — a father, a leather artist and a former drug dealer who went to prison in 2008 for trafficking heroin and got out in 2017. Lacour pores over the minutiae surrounding the hate crime case with a passion. He looks at events like the killings of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and Eric Garner in New York through the lens of the Clark case, which makes him realize “how far we are from any kind of reconciliation.”

“It was a story that symbolized and represented so much about Chicago and America and race and power to me, that it’s always been close to me and has been a personal flashpoint for me,” Lacour said.

Chicago Tribune talked with Yohance about the Clark case and You Didn’t See Nothin, which is part memoir, part investigation. Read the conversation here.