Early Intervention & Personnel / by Maira Khwaja

  1. The Chicago Police Department leadership must take ownership of accountability issues and order the design and implementation of a mandatory Early Intervention System (EIS) that centrally collects data across a broad range of data points to capture information on the totality of officer activity.
  2. CPD’s EIS must be non-disciplinary in nature.
  3. CPD’s EIS should track all available data on officer activities.
  4. CPD’s EIS should use peer-to-peer data comparisons to identify which officers receive interventions.
  5. Create a structured, tiered program where interventions are appropriate, escalate proportionally and are timely.
  6. CPD’s EIS should track officer transfers and require supervisors to review and acknowledge data on new officers who are transferred onto their assignment.
  7. CPD’s EIS should require ongoing monitoring of interventions and develop an assessment tool to continually examine the program for improvement.
  8. CPD must make support and training of supervisors a top priority and create policies that hold supervisors accountable for the conduct of their officers. 
    • Provide training to supervisors on their responsibilities and obligations as the first-line of defense in accountability generally and in the EIS process specifically. This means, at the very least, providing mandatory training and talking points that help guide supervisory interventions with officers. 
    • Integrate regular accountability measures for supervisors to incentivize buy-in to the new system. As part of that effort, CPD should integrate supervisor responsibilities for EIS and personnel management into the testing and promotional requirements. Also, CompStat meetings must be expanded immediately to include information about personnel actions, and supervisors should be held accountable for the performance indicators of their officers, just as they currently are with crime statistics and trends. 
    • Provide greater support to supervisors in their management roles. All sergeants, lieutenants, captains and Commanders should be trained in managing the well-being of officers under their command and be compelled to use the dashboards that track officer activity.
  9. The individual in charge of human resources at CPD must be an expert in the field of human resources and related personnel maters.
  10. Until a fully automated EIS program can be implemented, CPD should create a manual intervention system, which undertakes an immediate assessment of officer fitness for duty. 
    • CPD, working with IPRA and/or the new CPIA, and with reference to the time period January 1, 2010 – January 1, 2016, should immediately identify officers (1) with 10 or more CRs, whether or not an affidavit was completed; (2) who have a pattern of missing court; or (3) have been named in two/three or more lawsuits during this time period. 
    • During this time, CPD should conduct monthly meetings with the State’s Attorney, Public Defender, Presiding Judge of Criminal Division, City Law Department and, separately, Chief Judge of the Northern District of Illinois for the purpose of determining any adverse findings against police officers that bear on credibility, training issues or patterns of behavior. All information gathered should be factored into the manual intervention system. 
    • Any officers identified through these methods should be assessed for placement in BIS, PC or some other form of individualized work plan that involves their chain of command.
  11. The EIS program should include community outreach efforts by providing public access to data generated by the EIS program and inviting community stakeholders to CompStat-type meetings to discuss EIS data and outcomes. 
    • Publish, on a monthly basis, aggregate data on the following: new and pending complaints by unit, disciplinary actions, missed court dates, new civil legal proceedings against officers, new criminal legal proceedings against officers, vehicle pursuits, vehicle collisions, uses of force, employee commendations, uses of firearms, injuries to persons in custody, judicial proceedings where an officer is the subjective of a protective or restraining order, adverse judicial credibility determinations against an officer, or disciplinary actions. 
    • Establish a regular community-inclusive meeting to share data and insights from EIS.